
mardi 26 avril 2022


Le 4e vinyle de la série "De Secretis Naturae" a été commenté sur vitalweekly - 1332, avec une belle review:
"...I enjoyed this case of electronics imitating life very much. In 'Fragment VII', Panis explores the sounds from a distance, as if taping birds from quite a bit of distance. Let's say there is some fine sparseness in the music, especially in the second half of the piece. 'Fragment VIII' is, on the contrary, an energetic piece. Think of a birdhouse in the zoo; now, everything is close by, and there is much action. However, don't think of this as 'it sounds as pure field recordings made with a modular synthesizer'. The synthesizer aspect of the music is undoubtedly a strong presence in the music, and it also sounds pretty much electronic. It all sounds fascinating and sadly too short. But Panis promises a total of nine 7", so there is more to come. Hopefully, one day on a CD/2CD so they can be heard in one long run? (FdW)"

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